Getting the Home You Need

4 Mistakes To Avoid While Planning Your Kitchen Remodel

So your kitchen is a little outdated and you're looking to take on a remodeling project that will bring your kitchen space into this decade, increasing the resale value of your home in the process. Before you decide on your kitchen remodeling plans, however, there are some common mistakes you'll want to be careful to avoid. Failing to Optimize the Layout Don't assume that the layout your kitchen currently has is the best one for your needs. Read More 

How To Remove Mold From Wood Furniture

Wood furniture is beautiful, providing a warm and rich feeling to any room. However, it is also susceptible to mould and mildew, which occurs from excess moisture. This may be from a roofing leak following a big rainstorm, or simply having too much humidity indoors. If you find signs of mould on your wood furniture, follow these tips to remove it and save the furniture. Vacuum Loose Mould Spores If you find traces of mould or mildew on your wood furniture, you should start by simply vacuuming it with the attachment on your vacuum cleaner. Read More 

Installing Window Film To Reflect Heat

The summertime means hotter temperatures, and no matter how hard your air conditioner is running, the sun's heat can make your home feel warmer than it should. Adding a reflective window coating or film can help keep the sun from penetrating the interior of your home and keep it cooler. You can find window film at many home improvement stores, and it's fairly easy to install. Here's how you can apply this protective coating to make summer living more comfortable for yourself and your family. Read More 

How To Repaint Your Bathroom Baseboard

If your bathrooms need a facelift, there are few DIY projects that are as practical and achievable as a paint job. Painting the walls in your bathroom is a simple, but very effective way to completely redefine the look of the room. Homeowners love paint jobs because it is a project that can be done with minimal tools and training. With a few basic rollers, brushes and masking equipment, you can effectively paint interior walls and ceilings. Read More 

Three Reasons You Should Green Your Roof Next Time You Get It Replaced

As a homeowner, you have a responsibility to educate yourself on roofing materials before replacing your roof. You probably know that cool roof options exist and that they're better for the environment, but why should you choose one for your house? What's in it for you? Here are three reasons you should decide in favor of a cool roof for your roof replacement. 1. Money The real savings that you'll get from a cool roof involves your energy bill. Read More