3 Areas To Add To Your Workstation Kitchen

In the past, kitchens were designed based on the work triangle, creating easy access between preparation, cooking, and cleaning. However, contemporary kitchens tend to favor workstations instead. In a workstation-based kitchen, each workstation has its own set of cupboards, a major appliance, and adequate counter space. Workstation kitchens still have the preparation, cooking, and cleaning areas. However, they give you the opportunity to add areas to your kitchen that fit your lifestyle. Below are three workstation areas you should consider adding to your kitchen. 

Coffee Station 

If you regularly drink coffee, then it is likely that either a coffee pot or espresso machine is currently taking up valuable counter space in your kitchen. By purchasing a built-in coffee machine, you can save counter space and create a sleeker appearance. Besides the built-in coffee machine, your coffee station should include your coffee condiments, such as sugar or coconut oil, spoons, and cups. You will only need minimal counter space for this workstation, but placing it near your dish washing station is a good idea. 

Canning Station

Canning and freezing fresh foods at home is making a comeback in the United States. However, most modern kitchens are not designed to accommodate the canning process. Canning will require plenty of storage for canning supplies, spices, jars, and lids. Ideally, you will set your canning station between your preparation station and your stove, so you can easily clean and prepare your foods and then boil cans for sealing. 

Snack Station 

If you have children in your home, you may consider setting up a dedicated snack station for them. This station could have a microwave installed beneath the counter so young children can easily heat their own snacks. Additionally, you might consider a small refrigerator drawer to hold snack items. This way you can set aside a week's worth of snacks in the refrigerator drawer and then allow your child to choose which snack they want each day, giving them more autonomy over their food choices. Ideally, the refrigerator door would be located directly below the microwave and you would have clear counter space above the microwave for making snacks such as sandwiches. A small cupboard to the side can hold dishes and cutlery as well as snacks that do not require refrigeration. 

If you are in the process of designing a new kitchen, consider the way you use your current kitchen and decide if workstations might be more useful than the traditional kitchen triangle. Contact a kitchen remodeler, like Callier Thompson Kitchen & Bath or a similar location for more ideas and info.
