How To Remove Mold From Wood Furniture

Wood furniture is beautiful, providing a warm and rich feeling to any room. However, it is also susceptible to mould and mildew, which occurs from excess moisture. This may be from a roofing leak following a big rainstorm, or simply having too much humidity indoors. If you find signs of mould on your wood furniture, follow these tips to remove it and save the furniture.

Vacuum Loose Mould Spores

If you find traces of mould or mildew on your wood furniture, you should start by simply vacuuming it with the attachment on your vacuum cleaner. Even if you don't notice it, you likely have loose mould spores on the furniture. It may not be visible to you, or can look more like regular dust. By vacuuming up these loose spores, you avoid having them enter the air or drop onto the ground when you start cleaning the furniture. If the furniture is light enough, it is best to move the furniture outside and clean it there. This helps prevent it from spreading around your house. After you have vacuumed the furniture, empty the vacuum bag and dispose of it properly. Clean the brush attachment on your vacuum so no spores remain.

Scrub Away the Mould and Mildew

After you are done vacuuming, you can start cleaning the furniture. To start with, use just warm water and mild dish detergent. Other cleaners are available, but they might be too harsh for your furniture. Detergent works good on most types of furniture. However, any time you use a new cleaning product on wood, test an inconspicuous spot to make sure it doesn't affect the wood. When you're ready, dip a cloth into a bowl or bucket of soapy water, then start wiping away the areas of mould. Continue dipping it into the water and wiping away the mold. You may also need a cloth that is slightly abrasive, but without scratching the furniture. When you are done cleaning off the mould, use another cloth with just water to rinse it.

Dry Out the Furniture

As soon as you are done cleaning the furniture, you need to start drying it out. Moisture and water is what causes mould and mildew in the first place, so if you leave the furniture wet for too long, all this cleaning becomes pointless. The best thing to do is let it dry outside in the sun, but if that isn't possible, point some fans toward the furniture to dry it quickly. To avoid excess moisture in the future, it is a good idea to use a dehumidifier in your home. Also apply a coat of wax over the wood furniture when it is dry to provide an additional layer of protection from mould and other types of damage.

For assistance, talk to a mold remediation expert.
